My Life...My Thoughts...My Dreams...My Words

Sunday, September 3, 2006

Posted by Ms Faizah

Attitude: Your Most Priceless Possession

If we can manage our attitude, we can manage any situation effectively.

A positive attitude is always a great advantage. Those who manage their attitude well transmit a favourable image of helpfulness and optimism. They attract rather than repel, inviting others to work with them.

A person with a positive attitude has the power to bounce back from temporary setbacks and live life to the fullest. By managing our attitude effectively, we are able to build and maintain relationships, enhance creativity and improve job satisfaction.

5 qualities of confident, empowered people

Self-Appreciation (Who Am I?)

Love ourselves and see ourselves as unique individual, priceless and a winner.

Vision (Where Am I Going?)

To have a vision in mind to guide our life.

Purpose (Why Am I Here?)

Live life to the fullest, to love, to learn and to leave a lasting legacy

Commitment (How should I Do My Work?)

If you are committed, you succeed in whatever you do)

Contribution (What Can I Give?)

Spending quality time with people is more meaningful than any other form of contribution eg. money.

Attitude Towards our love ones

Building Strong Relationships through the 5 Languages of Love:

#1 - Words of Affirmation

#2 - Quality Time

#3 - Receiving Gifts

#4 - Acts of Service

#5 - Physical Touch

Attitude Towards Work/Life


Total Quality

Meeting Organization Goals

Personal Motivation

Attitude Towards Others











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Ms Faizah
I am still trying to understand myself so ...
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