My Life...My Thoughts...My Dreams...My Words

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Posted by Ms Faizah

It has been a very hectic week for me and I was so afraid that my body is going into shock hehehe Image .

Early this week, I was asked to go to another branch to work and oh goodness…this branch is 90 minutes journey by train and bus. No big deal you would say but it is a BIG deal to me because my current workplace is only 2 minutes walk from my home Image. Said to my manager that she is making me want to cry and she grinned at me.

So, for the past 3 days I had to wake up 2 hours earlier than my normal waking up time (I really thought my body is going into shock and it will if I had to do this for long), had to travel in the crowded train and bus (when I should still be sleeping) and spending every minute of the days at the office of this branch doing the same thing again and again, trying hard to fight off my sleepiness at the same time Image.

Yes, yes I know that I should be thankful that I have a job but still…waking up 2 hours earlier is a great ordeal for me....Image


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Ms Faizah
I am still trying to understand myself so ...
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