Monday, September 11, 2006

We said mean words to each other and later regretted it. By then, it is too late to retract back those words. If the other party is very forgiving, then relationship will go on as normal. But what if those words hurt someone so much and it is beyond forgiving?
1.5 years ago I said something to someone who was close to me. Just that one sentence and we stopped keeping in touch with each other. No reply to my text messages, emails, calls etc. I was disappointed and once in a while I tried my luck to see whether I’ll get any reply.
Luck was by my side a week ago, this person replied to my mail. We forgave each other for the past that hurts. However, after a few mails I noticed that the replies lack enthusiasm. It hurts me to notice this and I said to myself that maybe this person does not want to have anything to do with me anymore. I sent an email to convey my thoughts on it and till now no reply.
I always believe that no matter how our loved ones, friends or anyone hurt us, we should always forgive and forget. It may be difficult to forget at times and whatever we can't forget, we could take it as a lesson so not to make the same mistake again and make the future a better one than today. We never know whether we would have the opportunity to do that the next day so treasure the ones you love and make full use of the time we have with them .
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