My Life...My Thoughts...My Dreams...My Words

Saturday, August 5, 2006

Posted by Ms Faizah

“Good morning Izah, how are you?”

My reply, “Morning to you, I am well. How are you?”

No reply from the other party.

A few days later…”Good morning Izah, how are you? Hope you are doing fine.”

My reply, “Yes, I am fine. How are you?”

No reply from the other party.

A week later…”Good morning Izah, how are you?”

My reply, “ Morning, I am well. How are you?

No reply from the other party.

Above are text messages I have been receiving from an individual and it has been going on for months. Every few days, he would send the same kind of text message to me and I am beginning to find the messages meaningless. It is like doing these out of obligation or probably he has a quota of sending one or two text messages to me per week just to free him from the obligation for the week.

I’ve told him to stop sending me text messages, if he did it out of obligation and his reply was that he felt guilty for not keeping in touch with me like he used to i.e. frequent phone calls or frequent text messaging. I said it is all right and I do not mind at all the lack of text messages but I guess he is really feeling guilty because I am still receiving the text messages from him…it is down to once a week now.

Three weeks ago, he sent me the same message again and I was not bothered to reply. A week later, he sent the same kind of message again and I did not reply. I thought after two times, he would take the hint but I was wrong…I am still receiving the same kind of message once a week. Am I being a horrible friend for not replying to his message?


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Ms Faizah
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