My Life...My Thoughts...My Dreams...My Words

Saturday, August 5, 2006

Posted by Ms Faizah

A friend from India shared with me limericks he wrote. First time in my life I heard the word limerick (yeah…laugh at me Image). Being a good friend he is, he explained to me the meaning of limerick and how to write limerick.

It seems easy and he shared with me the basic rules for writing a limerick:

- Your limerick must have 5 lines
- Lines 1, 2 and 5 should rhyme
- Lines 3 and 4 should rhyme

Below my first attempt at limerick:

A friend told me to write limerick

I thought limerick is a word in Greek

I look up in dictionary

Said that I’m utterly silly

Now I know what on earth is limerick

My friend improved it:

A friend told me to write limerick

I thought it is a word in Greek

I checked on internet

Got details on the net

Now I know what is limerick.


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Ms Faizah
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