My Life...My Thoughts...My Dreams...My Words

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Posted by Ms Faizah

I wish for a simple life, simpler as it is now.
A life where I don’t have to worry about what’s going to happen tomorrow,
a life where needs are more than wants and
a life where I go through day by day with little worries in my mind.

I wish for a happy life, happier as it is now.
A life where I can enjoy each and every moment of it,
a life where I am free from emotional stress and
a life where my creativity to create happy moments flow like
river water flowing to the sea.

I wish for a peaceful life, more peaceful as it is now.
A life where family and friends don’t have ill thoughts towards each other,
a life where we spread love to each other and
a life full of laughter, warm hugs and sincere smiles.

May my wishes come true…


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Ms Faizah
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