Wednesday, April 8, 2009
I didn’t realize that it is almost 2 months since I last updated this blog. What was I busy with over these 2 months? A couple of weeks ago, I asked a friend whether was I really busy and I don’t know what the answer to that is.
Besides working, I am also studying and this semester really took up a lot of my time because there were more group projects than previous semester. The projects were quite tough too so during my free time I spent on doing the projects. My group finally finished all the projects and assignments a week ago so that is something good but somehow now I am busy at work. I don’t understand why also and I think I need to look into this. Maybe it has got something to do with me not managing my time properly or I’m doing tasks others supposed to do.
Anyway, I will try to post more often but I have to prepare for my exams, which is on end of May so I will be busy again. This word ‘busy’ is really taking over my life and I really have to do something to minimize its presence.
Oh, I bought a new stuff and I am really loving it. I’ll show it in my next post soon.
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