Thursday, December 4, 2008
Exams finally over and it is time for me to take a break from all the studying. I spent more than 12 hours daily for the 2 weeks before the exams studying and I really hope to pass the papers.
The first paper didn’t turn out so well. I looked through the MCQs and the questions were easy. (I found after the paper that I did one mistake.)Then I read the second question of the paper and my mind froze. I understood the question and I know the key terms but I can’t remember how to explain the key terms. Argghh!!! It was a 20 marks question and I wonder how many marks I scored from my answer. I don’t think I did well in this paper and I’m hoping for a passing mark.
Second paper is Business English and it was easy but I did a couple of careless mistakes in the MCQs. The rest of the paper was a breeze though I don’t think I can score good marks for it.
Third paper…Business Mathematics that really stressed out the life of me for the past 6 months. I managed to answer all the MCQs and the questions on Maths of Finance so at least I know 40% of the marks are guaranteed for me.
I’m waiting for result to be out and it will be out on 16 Dec after 5 pm. I really hope to pass the exams to proceed to second semester. The thought of repeating another semester is not sitting well in my mind right now so I am really hoping for the best.
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