My Life...My Thoughts...My Dreams...My Words

Monday, December 10, 2007

Posted by Ms Faizah

Ah back to Singapore finally. I brought Cyril to meet my family and I could see that he was very excited about it. In fact, he spent most of the time at my home...coming in early in the morning and from there we went out to some places such as the Science Centre and the Zoo...thanks to the corporate passes hehe. We were supposed to go to Sentosa but it started to rain heavily when we were at VivoCity.
It happened that during Cyril's visit, one of my uncle got married so I invited Cyril to join us. For that I persuaded him to put on a Malay traditional clothes for man, as you can see in the picture :). He was very uncomfortable in it and the weather was really warm. I think he got more irritated after seeing my male relatives wearing jeans and shirts lol. Nevertheless, he still smiled for the picture :).

We went to Singapore Science Centre the next day and here I introduced two new little sister and my niece. Picture below shows Cyril's head as part of the fruits platter.

A videocamera man and two newscasters in action.

We went to the Singapore Zoological Garden the next day and below a few pictures of Cyril and the kids.Crocodile or Alligator?

White tigers





and a peacock.


Mara said...

Hi Izah ,

Thanks for sharing your blog and Cyril's visit.

Looks like you did a lot and had a great time :-)

(((hugs ))))


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Ms Faizah
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